Saturday, May 30, 2015


Since 200 page views. theres been a very big increase in viewers. I don`t know what to say besides, thank you, for all of the support that you bring. Cheers to 300!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

One Small Step for Men....

    Theres not really much to tell about this pixel art, so I want all of you to comment down below on what you think about this pixel art. Thanks!

Friday, May 15, 2015

200 Already!?!?

Wow. Just wow. Its been another week and we've now hit 200 likes. Now that, is insane.  I know a lot of people have like a trillion, but 200 is just as good! Thanks for all of the support! Write in the comment section what the next pixel art should be! The most votes win!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Clay Motion!!!

My brother and I decided to take a video of ourself's making a Clay Italian Boat. Then, when we were finished, we made the video go super fast, or else it would of been eleven minutes long. Hope you enjoy!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

150 Pageviews!!!!

Thank you all for taking note of my blog! I have had it up for 3 weeks and there are already 150 people looking at my blog. And counting! This morning it was 169 and counting. Lets see if we can get 200 guys! Thank you soo much again and keep watching my blog activity!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Derpy Cheeseburger!!!

Today I couldn't really think of anything to make, so I just made my favorite type of food. But Not Just any Cheeseburger, a derpy cheeseburger! Hope you enjoy!


This is also a skin of a very famous youtuber. A lot of you probably know who this is, but for the people that don`t, this youtuber`s name is Stampylonghead. He makes all kinds of videos on Consoles and PC. This is his minecraft skin. Hope you all enjoy!